Give Her Courage with Amy Klein
Episode Summary
About Our Guest
As a former online TV host, Amy will make you laugh until you cry and find a way to make every #momlife moment humorous - even on the days when adulting seems way too hard. Amy has an award-winning sales and leadership background in coaching and managing very dynamic teams. As a coach, Amy has built her career on bringing out the best in everyone around her and helping each person she touches perform at their best, and believe in themselves. As a coFounder of Give Her Courage, Amy has committed her life's work to help women know their worth and break the paradigm that comes with age.
Amy’s website
Show Notes:
Welcome to The Give Back Model, where our host Christine Petrella will be having conversations with entrepreneurs who have successfully built charitable giving into the heart of their business models. Today’s entrepreneur who gives back is Amy Klein, one of the cofounders of Give Her Courage -- an educational and retail company with a mission to help girls and women have the courage and confidence to “Just Be You” and make their dreams come true. Amy will be talking about the importance of vetting partners, and the patience required when starting up your entrepreneurship journey. She is a former online TV host and has an award-winning sales and leadership background. She has committed her life’s work to helping women know their worth and break through the paradigm that comes with age.
Amy shares the origins behind Give Her Courage, and how a lack of female leaders and mentors inspired her and cofounder, Kelly Roach, to launch their company. Amy explains their Give Back Model, how it has evolved over their four years of operation, and how to ensure you are working with reputable charities. You’ll also hear about the Entre Girls Leadership Academy, with 10% of all Give Her Courage retail proceeds going toward scholarships for this mentorship program. Amy discusses the role of social media in building your brand and making sustainable networking connections, and reminds us that success does not happen overnight. Christine asks Amy what advice she has for those just beginning as an entrepreneur, and finds out which Give Back companies Amy is personally supporting.
Give Her Courage is setting a new standard for how women and girls should support one another, celebrate each other’s differences, and shut down negativity together. You can check out this incredible Give Back company and find out more about their future projects at or follow them on Instagram @givehercourage.
Wearing GHC’s signature bolt necklace
I love “The Courageous Brand”!
Episode Highlights:
Amy Klein and the origins of Give Her Courage
Vetting partners and having patience
Absence of strong female leaders and mentors
Women and girls supporting one another
Amy’s Give Back Model
Proper networking and research
Entre Girls Leadership Academy
Being resilient through challenges and bullying
Instilling courage and confidence in young women
Role of social media
Collaborating with ethical, sustainable partners
“We wanted to make sure that we were teaching all girls that if they believe in the Power of You, you can make your dreams come true.”
“Courage really just means you are choosing to face your fears because you want to complete a goal or a challenge or a dream.”
“We continue to keep evolving.”
“We always want to be giving back in some way.”
“It’s really, really important that immediately, you’re contributing in any way that you can.”
“Everything we do, however we’re doing it, we want to do it in the most responsible way.”
“By networking and building your brand, you’re also making connections that are going to help you move to the next level.”
“You have to be patient and you have to do what’s right for your company.”
“There is no overnight success.”
“Every business you’re looking at that’s successful is ten years in the making.”
Follow The Give Back Model Podcast on Instagram @thegivebackmodel
Amy’s website
Amy (left), our friend Jess (middle) and me (right)
When our boys were little ones.